Udupi | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Udupi? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 551-600 has it all.
Total Company: 551
Location Udupi, Karnataka, India
Nuntium Media Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of wholesale and retail trading of power tools and pneumatics items.
Location Udupi, Karnataka, India
Broadcasting Telecommunication
Udbhav Infrastructure Private Limited is engaged in the business to undertake tower construction, trenching, cable laying, and horizontal directional drilling and do related civil work on contract basis for establishment/ maintenance of network or infrastructure for telecom companies.
Location Udupi, Karnataka, India
Anugraha Carbonates Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading of stone, sand and clay.
Location Udupi, Karnataka, India
Real Estate Tourism And Accommodation
Shaan Hotels Private Limited is engaged in real estate services.
Location Udupi, Karnataka, India
Janardhana Hotels Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing hotel services.
Location Udupi, Karnataka, India
Aquaculture Industrial Manufacturing
Shree Matha Marine Private Limited is engaged in the business of production and processing of fish products.
Location Udupi, Karnataka, India
Brandman Deca Private Limited is engaged in marketing strategies & engaging content creation designs.
Location Udupi, Karnataka, India
Public Administration Financial Services
Canara Industrial And Banking Syndicate Limited is engaged in the business in India and elsewhere the business of banking in all its branches, or which may at any time hereafter thereto, and transacting and doing all matters and things incidental thereto, or which may at any time hereafter or at any place where the company shall carry on business, be usual in connection with the business of banking or dealing in money or securities for money.