Ujhani | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Ujhani? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 4
Location Ujhani, Uttar Pradesh, India
Energy Utilities Renewable Energy
Bhagwan Energy Limited is engaged in transmission and distribution of wind power energy.
Location Ujhani, Uttar Pradesh, India
Wood Manufacturing Other Industry Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Pradeep Jewellers Private Limited is engaged in the business of goldsmiths, and pearls merchants and of manufacturing and dealing in clocks and watches made of precious metals, paintings, acquiring and trading in metals, ornaments, silversmiths, jewelry, curios, gems, gold, cutlery, silver utensils, bullion, precious stones, diamond, manuscripts, and their components and accessories and of producing, jewelers, electroplates, diamonds, antiques and objects of art.
Location Ujhani, Uttar Pradesh, India
Manufacturing Other Industry Beauty And Personal Care
Radial Natural Aromatics Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturers, and basil oil, reagents, blender, oleoresins, catalyst, chemicals perfumes, importers, commodities, goods, dealers, exporters, synthetic chemicals, perfumery material, pine chemicals, aroma chemicals, refiners, perfumery compounds, alkaloids, packers, fragrance materials, inventers, emulsifying agents, sellers, distillation, agent, processors, mentha, essential oil isolates, buyer, medicinal products, graders, developers in with or without collaboration of aromatic chemicals, general order supplier, flavors, natural and essential oils, all types of allied and by-products thereof & other products of similar mature and to do all other acts and things necessary for the attainment of the above objects.