Unguturu | Business Directory | The Company Check

Looking for local businesses in Unguturu? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.

  • Green Cups Private Limited

    Location Unguturu, Andhra Pradesh, India

    Recycling & Waste Management Other Industry

    Green Cups Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, buying, accessories, fuel oils, export, fishing boats, selling of environmental, friendly products like bowls and cups with banana fiber and to do the business of generally dealing in plant and machine, tools, used for the purposes of protection of plants such as chemicals, agricultural produce and other food materials originating from the animal, implements, goods or things of any description including but limited to buy, substances, sale of banana trees and all types of fertilizers and modern agricultural implements, crafts and agricultural equipment used for processing and preserving forest produce, import, materials, lubricants and such other articles allied to the above.

  • Bharghavi Polymers Private Limited

    Location Unguturu, Telangana, India


    Bharghavi Polymers Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of all kinds of expanded polystyrene products like thermocole sheets and shape moldings.