Uttar Pradesh | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Uttar Pradesh? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 2951-3000 has it all.
Total Company: 3423
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Real Estate Food And Beverages
Sheela Foods Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing rental or leasing services of houses, flats, and apartment buildings.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Prabhat Agro Industrial Company Limited was earlier known as Prabhat Agro Industrial Company Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business to purchase, buildings, assist, develop and execute agro-industrial products, take on lease or otherwise acquire for the company agricultural land, substances, other movable properties to carry on the agricultural operation and other matters and to aid, promote, goods or things of description which in the opinion of the company likely to promote agricultural industrial products.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Flora Pharma Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing allopathic and ayurvedic medicines.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Trading Metal & Minerals Construction Material
Apex Cement Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and trading of cement.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Financial Services Professional Services
Kanishka Motor Finance Private Limited is engaged in the business of hire purchasing, financial services.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Bandana Chemicals Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing chemicals.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Shahjahanpur Paper And Board Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of papers.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Multi Concept Leasing Limited is engaged in the business of finance and investment activities.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Agriculture Business Services Financial Services Forest & Wildlife
C.M. Agro Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing agricultural services and the company also engaged in providing commodity brooking services.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
U. P. National Industrial Corporation Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing renting services on real estate properties.
Rama Krishna Bakers Private Limited is engaged in the processing and trading of bakery products.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, India
Jyoti Film Distributors Private Limited is engaged in the business of motion picture, videotape and television programme distribution.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
U P Bright Bars & Steel Private Limited is engaged in the business of rolling and re-rolling of steel or alloy steel or any other metals and for this purpose to set up rolling mills with all necessary machinery and equipment; and to manufacture, import, and deal in mild or special steel, bright bars, produce, export, and tools.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Monika Motor And Housing Finance Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing financial and related services.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Trading Financial Services Equipment & Machinery
Ajmani Hire Purchase And Investments Private Limited is engaged in the business of purchase and sale on hire purchase lease and/ or finance cars, tractors, safe, air conditioners, cookers, tempos, televisions, household articles, pumping sets, scooters, fan, radiograms, trucks, electrical appliances, motorcycles, furniture, sewing machines, mopeds, radio and transistors, taxies, almirahs and agricultural implements, machines, refrigerators, knitting, washing machines, and all other things as company may deem fit.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Shree Ganesh Credits Private Limited is engaged in the business of buying, jigs and fixtures, agricultural machinery, hire-purchase or on easy payment system of all types of plant and machinery, selling, tools, letting on hire, leasing, cinematographic equipment for production and exhibition of films.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Professional Services Financial Services
Sat Kartar Leasing And Finance Company Private Limited is engaged in the business of leasing and hire purchase finance company and to acquire to provide on lease or to provide on hire purchase basis all types of industrial, machinery, vehicles, office, talkies, commercial plant, computer hardware and software, radios, equipment, televisions and other household goods.
Sumer Engineering Works Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturers of iron, steel, mild steel, stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, high speed steel and others.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Chandra Metals Limited was earlier known as Chandra Metals Private Limited, The company is engaged in manufacturing of copper energy conductors and other allied products.
Financial Services Business Services
Kalra Hire Purchase And Finance Company Private Limited is engaged in the business of financial hiring and leasing.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
B.P.Packagings Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing seeds and agricultural activities.
Feezo Chem. Formulation Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufactures of and dealers in, chemical preparations and compounds, medical, importers and exporters of pharmaceuticals, drugs and formulations.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Singhania Food Products Private Limited is engaged in the business of millers in all its branches and to set up mills for milling wheat, other grains, gram, suji, atta, dal, basin, and cereals, maida, and other allied products.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Resistance Alloys (India) Private Limited was earlier known as Resistance Alloys (India) Limited, The company is engaged in manufacturing of nickel-chrome and iron chromium-aluminum based electrical resistance alloys which are used for high-temperature applications and ISAMI metal sheathed mineral insulated thermocouple cable.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Reyaansh Infotech Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing rental or leasing services of factories, office buildings, and warehouses.
Location Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Musical Instruments Manufacturing Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Raghunandan Jewellers Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and trading of gold, silver and diamond jewelry.