Vennala | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 11
Location Vennala, Kerala, India
Printing & Publishing Entertainment
Chalachithram Films Private Limited is engaged in the business of the cinematography trade and industry in all their branches and activities and particularly the business of manufacture, documentary films, talkie films, exhibition, import and export of all kinds of cine films, video films, distribution, TV Serials and films and motion pictures of all kinds and nature for entertainment, advertising films, tele-films, production, publicity, amusement, exploitation, education and instruction in all languages prevailing in the world and also provide facility for preview show.
Location Vennala, Kerala, India
Printing & Publishing Business Services
Leholindz India Private Limited is engaged in the business of advertising and printing including UV printing, LED sign boards, laser cutting, display signages, and other ancillary activities.
Location Vennala, Kerala, India
Might O Chondria Nutritional Systems Private Limited is engaged in the trading of all kinds of food and nutritional supplements.
Location Vennala, Kerala, India
Professional Services Other Industry
V-Guard Foundation is engaged in the business of CSR activities for and on behalf of V-Guard Industries Limited, focusing sustainable development of the society, poverty, like eradication of hunger, by undertaking CSR projects/programs of V-Guard Industries Limited, and malnutrition; promotion of health care especially for the poor; promotion of education; development of skill; promotion of gender equality; empowerment of women; environmental sustainability; disaster relief measures; protection of national heritage; promotion of sports; promotion of scientific research especially in the area of technology and many more.
Location Vennala, Kerala, India
Information Technology Software
Antas Solutions Private Limited is engaged in the business of results-driven digital transformation strategies and data engineering at scale through software development for any industry, supply, including design, purchase, business, maintain, operate, products, internet and e-commerce, including design and implementation and provide business solutions and services related to web technologies, establish, facilitate, develop, sale, application, own, license across the globe.
Location Vennala, Kerala, India
V-Guard Consumer Products Limited is engaged in developing websites, android and iOS applications.
Location Vennala, Kerala, India
Trading Business Services Water Treatment
Hydroxy Water Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing water and waste water treatment systems and solutions.
Location Vennala, Kerala, India
Letztap Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of computer-related activities.
Location Vennala, Kerala, India
Broadcasting Trading Software Entertainment
Media Team Solutions (India) Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing post-production and broadcast solutions.
Location Vennala, Kerala, India
Healthcare Trading Hospitality & Wellness
Wellness Solutions Private Limited is engaged in the business related to pharmaceutical services.