Village Ujediya | Business Directory | The Company Check

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  • Md Rolling Mill Private Limited

    Location Village Ujediya, Gujarat, India

    Metal & Minerals

    Md Rolling Mill Private Limited is engaged in the business to promote, integrated steel plants, armor steel, buyer, and sizes of steels, alloy steels including direct hardening steels, grades, seller, magnet steel, blooms and billet mills, forging steels, establish, composite steel plants, importer, steel furnaces, run, stainless steels, hot rolling steel mills, case hardening steels, extracting, exporter, con cast rolling mills, trader, cold rolling mills, compounds and alloys thereof and to act as agent, heat-resisting steels, free steels, hot-rolled and cold-rolled grain-oriented electrical steels or products, induction furnaces for the manufacturing, trading or processing of all types, set up mini steel plants, broker, converting, shipbuilding quality steels, producing, stockist, install, job worker.