Waliv | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 2
Location Waliv, Maharashtra, India
Business Services Stationery & Office Supplies
Filfull Ventures Private Limited was earlier known as Notebit Ventures Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business to publish, tastes, reports, brochures, acquire, distributor, organize, promote, stockist, scrolls, protect, operate, participate and to act as an agent, control circulate, diaries, equip, establish, amalgamate, market, representative, commercialize, publications, and languages of all types of books, job work, envelopes, sponsor, periodicals, registers, purchase, sell, leaflets, correspondent, develop, maintain, varieties, visiting cards, calendars, supplier or otherwise to deal in all types, produce, manage, print, communicator, own, news feeder, run, stickers.
Location Waliv, Maharashtra, India
Trading Business Services Metal & Minerals
Seascope Metallising Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of metal coatings and metalizing plastic item.