West Patel Nagar | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in West Patel Nagar? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 17
Location West Patel Nagar, Delhi, India
Majboot Solutions Private Limited is engaged in the business as builders, buildings, mechanical and labour contractors, land, acquire, civil, dealers in, importers, usually and conveniently carried on therewith in or outside India and to purchase, tools, materials, machinery and metal ware in connection therewith or incidental thereto and to carry on any other business that is customarily, property developers, implements, exporters and manufactures of prefabricated and precast houses, take on lease or in exchange or in any other lawful manner any area, structures and to turn the same into account, building and erection engineers, develop the same dispose off or maintain the same.
Location West Patel Nagar, Delhi, India
Naman Broadcastings And Telecommunications Private Limited. is engaged in the business to conduct business in media and entertainment sector, including print and electronic and to conduct a business of business processing outsourcing and telecom related services of all types for domestic and international operations.
Location West Patel Nagar, Delhi, India
Parv Holdings Private Limited was earlier known as Parv Holdings Limited, it was formed to operate the business of buying, importing, marketing, promoting, exporting, storing, selling, reselling, developing, transporting, or supplying, trading dealing in any manner whatsoever in all type of goods on retail as well on wholesale basis in India or elsewhere.
Location West Patel Nagar, Delhi, India
Soniques (India) Entertainment Private Limited is engaged in providing accommodation, food and beverages services.
Location West Patel Nagar, Delhi, India
Kuber Products India Private Limited was earlier known as Kuber Products India Limited, it is engaged in the business of manufacturing zarda and tobacco products.
Location West Patel Nagar, Delhi, India
Mahabhadra Holdings Private Limited was earlier known as Mahabhadra Holdings Ltd, it was formed to operate the business to acquire, stocks, securities, company or firm, provided that the company shall not carry on the business of banking, and to guarantee the performance of contracts by any person, debentures stocks, exchange, properties, deal in the dispose of any shares, debentures, subject to the provision.
Location West Patel Nagar, Delhi, India
Plastics Automobile Information Technology
Nexgen Robotic Automation Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and trading of robotic machinery.
Location West Patel Nagar, Delhi, India
Trading Chemicals Defence Renewable Energy
Shivom Dayal Energies Private Limited was earlier known as Shivom Dayal Energy Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of renewable and energy production from biomass.