Yadadribhongiri | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 4
Location Yadadribhongiri, Telangana, India
Nutek Food Sciences Private Limited is engaged in other data processing, hosting, and related activities.
Location Yadadribhongiri, Telangana, India
Manga Devi Handlooms And Handicrafts Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, marketing, handling, fabrics, yardage, grading, selling and export of goods that are produced only on handlooms such as hand-woven products such as saree, pooling, procurement, and made-ups.
Location Yadadribhongiri, Telangana, India
Devalamma Nagavaram Handlooms And Handicrafts Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, fabrics, marketing, handling, pooling, selling and export of goods that are produced only on handloom such as hand-woven products like saree, grading, procurement, yardage and made-ups.
Location Yadadribhongiri, Telangana, India
Kala Bharathi Handlooms And Handicrafts Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, selling, procurement, export of goods that are produced only on handloom like hand-woven products such as saree, handling, yardage, fabrics, grading, marketing, pooling, made-ups for their benefit; provided that the producer company may carry on any of the activities specified in this clause either by itself or through other institution.