Biotechnology | Business Directory | The Company Check
Find companies in your Biotechnology on The Company Check directory. Page 2701-2750 has it all.
Total Company: 2779
Location Kadur Taluk, Karnataka, India
Trading Agriculture Biotechnology
Vajra Biotech Private Limited is engaged in the trading of fertilizers and agro chemical products.
Location Delhi, Delhi, India
Chemicals Pharmaceuticals Biotechnology
Vihaan Chemicals Private Limited was earlier known as Feron Biopharmaceuticals Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of manufacturing, R-DNA products, herbal drugs, capsuling, hormones: blood products, importing, bio-pharmaceuticals, trading and marketing of all kinds of chemicals, fine chemicals, surgical, pharmaceutical, carcinogenic products, medicines, dealing, buying, filling, bulk drugs, cytotoxic drugs, processing, exporting, distributing, active pharmaceutical ingredients, tableting, selling, biological and diagnostics.
Location Delhi, Delhi, India
Electrnoics Business Services Biotechnology
Sunfox Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of research and development lab in the area of biomedical devices for cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and asthma.
Location New Delhi, Delhi, India
Professional Services Healthcare Biotechnology
Atomick Biotech Private Limited is engaged in the business of lab testing services.
Location Pune, Maharashtra, India
Trading Business Services Biotechnology
Rashi Biotech Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and exporting enzymes.
Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Professional Services Printing & Publishing Biotechnology
Avay Biosciences Private Limited was earlier known as Tvasta Bio-Science Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business in India or elsewhere 3D bio-printing including pre and post bio-printing of tissues, organs, windpipes, vascular networks, cell cultures, blood vessels, and organs, scaffolds, tissues, exoskeletons, eyeglasses, ears, creating cell pattern in a confined space using 3D printing technologies to produce bones, stem cells, a jaw bone, as well as novel dosage forms and drug delivery devices.
Location Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Chemicals Pharmaceuticals Biotechnology
Astria Biotech Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacture, and import in all types of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, sell, export, drugs, deal, biotech products pesticides and dyestuffs.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Musical Instruments Chemicals Plastics Biotechnology
Spectrum Polymers Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business as manufacturers and exporters of modified starch and dextrins for the packaging industry.
Location Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
For U International Private Limited is engaged in research and development originals in biotechnology.