Broadcasting | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 8397
Location Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Printing & Publishing Broadcasting
Lok Bharti Publishers And Book Sellers Private Limited is engaged in the business as publishers of newspapers, magazines, books and any other literacy works in English, Hindi, journals, Urdu and/or any other language.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Printing & Publishing Broadcasting
D I Publications Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing printing and publishing services.
Location Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Business Services Broadcasting
Otn Media Private Limited is engaged in the business of owning, editors, periodicals, newspapers daily, house magazines, running and /or publishing of newspaper, journals, selling and distributing books, undertake, weekly monthly or whatever manner and in any language for own account or for others such as trading, internet, publishing producing, magazines, magazines, radio, serials and to own, writers, carry on and operate directly or indirectly in India and abroad the business of publishers, telecommunication, printing, films, television channels, commercial and industrial houses or for public in general in the interest of public relations which may include any all subject of common interest.
Location New Delhi, Delhi, India
Business Services Broadcasting
Prevalent News Private Limited was earlier known as Prevalent Human Resource Management Services Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business consultancy of providing manpower placement and recruiting, training and employing all type of executives, middle management staff, junior level staff, interviewing, selecting, workers, laborers skilled/unskilled required by various industries and organizations including providing security services, labor contractors.
Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Construction Telecommunication Broadcasting Software
Varni Tech Solutions Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing design, development, hardware and software project.
Location Madras 600 018, Tamil Nadu, India
Printing & Publishing Professional Services Broadcasting
Anjaneya Printers Private Limited is engaged in trading of newspapers and periodicals.
Location Guwahati, Assam, India
Printing & Publishing Broadcasting
Seven Stars Publications Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business to promote, journals, administer, and undertake and carry on the business of printing, production, own and run industries, develop, distribution, enterprises, processing, projects, dealing and marketing of books, magazines, newspapers and such other materials and allied objects for publication in different languages, publication, business and programmes for, periodicals, improve, establish, colours and sizes.
Location Dharwad, Karnataka, India
Education & Learing Printing & Publishing Broadcasting
Spardha Spoorti Publishers & Printers Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing educational support services, printing and reproduction services, publishing, and materials recovery services.
Location Assam, Assam, India
Construction Printing & Publishing Broadcasting
Vista Print Private Limited is engaged in the printing of newspapers, .
Location Patancheru, Telangana, India
Telecommunication Broadcasting Electrical
Gem Telecom Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing cables and conductors.
Location Ap, Telangana, India
Broadcasting Entertainment Telecommunication
Machilipatnam Communications Private Limited is engaged in the business of relay and transmission of different satellite channels through cable TV network and communication networks and also acts as agents of different communication systems.
Location Pune, Maharashtra, India
Service Professional Services Jewelry & Fashion Accessories Broadcasting
Fiora Business Support Services Limited was earlier known as Westland Limited, The company is engaged in providing business support and consultancy services relating to accounting, merchandising, human resources, payroll and others.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Business Services Broadcasting
River Publishers India Private Limited is engaged in the business in India or elsewhere the business as partners, binders, content in both print and electronic format, publishers, typesetter, academic, perforators, and non academic, DPT operators, editors.
Location Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India
Printing & Publishing Broadcasting
Sss Media Publications Private Limited is engaged in the business of newspaper and publication activities.
Location Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Service Entertainment Broadcasting
Ctil Media Private Limited is engaged in the business of establishing, tapes of all gauges, production, halls, theaters for production of video and audio programmes, exhibition, cinematography films, magazines, radio stations and to establish, news dailies and exports thereof, picture places, take on lease or hire television and/or radio centers/channels, purchase, studios, publishing of journals, processing and printing of films in all gauges and audio and/or video cassettes, disc and video files and/or any other contrivance, acquiring and running television channels, form and contrivances including reporting to any new method or process that may be developed technically and/or technologically in future relating to all the aforesaid activity.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Trading Business Services Broadcasting
Fuel Technologies (International) Private Limited is engaged in movie sales, EC and Mrupee.
Location Banglaore, Karnataka, India
Art Entertainment Broadcasting
Cauvery Theatre Complex Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing hotel and hospitality services.
Location Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Trading Printing & Publishing Broadcasting
University Book House Pvt Ltd. is engaged in the business of trading textiles.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Western Outdoor Interactive Private Limited was earlier known as Fairdeal Multimedia Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of manufactures, internet rights and multimedia rights, video films, buy, TV films, terrestrial rights, manufacture, producers, sell, exporters, present, release, TV films, deal with, exploit, and distributors of cinematographic films, music rights, cable TV rights, distribute by agencies or hire in India or ant part of the world motion pictures, importers, dispose of, copyrights, TV software and video films both talkie and silent and in particular to produce prepare, video rights.
Location Kodambakkam, Madras-600 024, Tamil Nadu, India
Printing & Publishing Broadcasting
Trinity Printers And Publishers Private Limited was earlier known as Trinity Printers And Publishers Limited, it is engaged in the business of printers and publishers of newspapers and magazines.
Location Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Telecommunication Broadcasting
Incablenet (Andhra) Private Limited was earlier known as Incablenet (Andhra) Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing television channel production services.
Location Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Andhra Law Times Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business to publish a legal journal by the name ‘ANDHRA LAW TIMESÕs, .
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Broadcasting Sports Entertainment
Nandkishore Telefilms And Media Private Limited was earlier known as Brahma Vision Multimedia Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing broadcasting and showing of original films, sound recordings, radio, and television programs.