Animal Products | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 1020
Location East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India
Agriculture Animal Husbandry Equipment & Machinery
Sree Lakshmi Egg Products Private Limited was earlier known as Shree Lakshmi Egg Products Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of leasing services.
Location Chikmagalur, Karnataka, India
Malnaad Agro Ventures Private Limited is engaged in the business of all kinds of farming, plants, preserving and dealing in all kinds of product of such business and in particular, sausages, dairy, food-grains and agricultural products and for developing milch strain in cattle by cross-breeding or otherwise and increasing egg laying capacity in poultry and also for finding other ways and means of improving other agricultural crops produce, producing, meat cattle and other live and dead stock eggs, buying, plants fruits, purebred, developing, preserved meat, breeding, seeds, food grains, flowers and vegetable milk and milk products and to establish experimental farms and research stations any where in India for conducting experiments test and research for developing better qualities of seeds, fodder, trees, improving, horticulture, seeds, gardening and of raising, selling, and inbred game, sericulture, crops and cattle feed of all kinds.
Location Rupuspur, West Bengal, India
Green House Poultry And Seed Products Private Limited is engaged in the business of hatching, sell, and raising by all means and of all kinds and to run poultry farm and to buy, breeding, import, export, and deal in poultry products of all kinds.
Location Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Vamsi Farms Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of agriculture and allied activities.
Location Sundargarh, Odisha, India
Food And Beverages Animal Husbandry
Jj Poultrypvt Ltd is engaged in the business of polutry activity.
Location Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India
R.P.S. Poultry Farm Private Limited is engaged in the business of rising of poultry (including broiler) and other domesticated birds; production of eggs and operation of poultry hatcheries.
Location New Patliputra Colony, Bihar, India
Shiv Shakti Hatchery Private Limited is engaged in the business of operating poultry.
Location Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh, India
Panchsheel Farms And Poultry Private Limited is engaged in the business of poultry farm, dealership, agency, trading, broiler farm, sale, and purchase of egg poultry farm, feeds medicines.
Location Pithora, Chhattisgarh, India
Basna Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of seed processing unit for the benefit of producers.
Location Pune, Maharashtra, India
United Broiler And Hitech Farming Private Limited is engaged in the ownership of properties.
Location Sangli, Maharashtra, India
Lakade Poultry Farms Private Limited is engaged in the business to start the poultry farm unit for the manufacturer of eggs and poultry activity of rearing birds from one day to travel weeks for sale and broiled bird to manufacture poultry feed for own unit and for selling to others.
Location A.P., Telangana, India
Agriculture Animal Husbandry Food And Beverages
S.S.Naidu Poultry Farm Private Limited was earlier known as S.S.N.Hatcheries Private Limited, The company is engaged in trading of poultry products.
Location Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Karnataka Hatcheries Private Limited is engaged in the business of poultry.
Location Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Krishika Farms Private Limited is engaged in poultry business and provides table eggs.