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Total Company: 830
Location Paithan, Maharashtra, India
Agriculture Animal Husbandry Fertilizers
Pratishthan Agro Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business to grow, manipulate, drying, marketing, export, sell, buy, harvesting, poultry, listing, dairy, floriculture, plants, viticulture, produce, flowers, cereals, vegetables, vegetable and edible oils, refine, meat, canning, process, prepare, commercialize, procurement manufacture, bleach, packing, venting, fruits, seeds, animal husbandry and farm produce and products including food grains, fish, horticultural, grind, brewing, extract, delisting, import or otherwise deal in all kinds of agricultural, pisciculture, eggs and good products and preparation of any nature in India and abroad.
Location Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Good Nature Organic Products Private Limited is engaged in the business of production, marketing, distribution and export of organic and non organic fruits, saplings and grains including contract farming and to provide technical consultancy and training for organic farming and certifications and also establishment of its processing and packing units where the organic and non-produce can be processed and packed for sale, seeds, vegetables, to undertake marketing of organic/non-organic food products and seeds and to undertake plant breeding work for the development of improved organic crop varieties of the food crops and to undertake operation of cold storage.