Education | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 32583
Location Delhi, Delhi, India
Hunt Education Overseas Private Limited is engaged in the business of running, supervisory, technical, managerial or otherwise and to act as an advisor in the selection of technical process, sources of plant and machinery and other utilities for business entrepreneurs or to establish a network of placement services to provide comprehensive business, maintaining, establishing the educational and technical institutes, skilled, unskilled, economic size, managing, schools and guidance center and to act as agents for recruitment of personnel, commerce and industry skilled and unskilled labor.
Location Thrissur, Kerala, India
Education & Learing Tourism And Accommodation
Careone Hospitality And Educational Services Private Limited is engaged in the business of hospitality and educational services including the following such as to start educational training institutes, skill development training institutes and vocational training institutes in India or abroad.
Location Chiplun, Maharashtra, India
Education Overseas Consultancy Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing educational support services.