Other Financial Intermediation | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 38731
Location Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Century Hospital Investment Corporation Private Limited is engaged in the business of an investment holding company for that purpose to acquire and hold, annuities, mortgages, bonds, public body or authority, notes, annuities, obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by any government, obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by any company, shares, bonds, stocks, debentures, either in the name of the company or any nominee or trustee, mortgages, debentures, debenture stock (perpetual or otherwise), corporation or undertaking of whatever nature and shares, debenture stock (perpetual or otherwise), stocks, or statutory corporation or enterprise and from time to time to vary any such investments.
Location Indore., Madhya Pradesh, India
Broadcasting Financial Services
Raneka Fincom Private Limited was earlier known as Raneka Financial Service Limited, it was formed to operate the business of finance, and leasing, building, investment, purchase, earth moving machinery, and equipment including transport vehicles, plant and machinery, or letting on hire land, software, computers, computer consumables, and domestic appliances.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Lakshmiraman Investment & Finance Limited is engaged in the trading of iron and steel.
Location Tamilnadu, Tamil Nadu, India
Sarva Jana Seva Kosh Limited is engaged in financing activities directed to ultimate benefit of poor woman/men groups/individuals for enhancement of their livelihoods in financially viable manner and provide financial support to these groups, through community based livelihood mutual benefit trust organizations (private livelihood mutual benefit trusts known as Sarvodaya Livelihood Ensuring Mutual Benefit Trust)/Federation of Nidhi Foundation (FNF), constituted by such groups.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Printing & Publishing Financial Services Software
Sagar Systech Limited is engaged in the business of developing computer software in India.