Other Food Products | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 19514
Location Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Bombay Masala Company Private Limited is engaged in the business in all its branches in India or abroad to manufacture, dry, produce, oleo-resins, buy, cereals, and deal in all or any kinds of agro products including and consisting of the spices, grain, leaves, freeze, aromatics, vegetables, flavors, process, herbs, bottle, flowers, seeds, roots, essential oils, branches, additives, concentrate, gram, purify, prepare, export, import, extracts, perfumes, filter, grind, fruits, extract, store, spice oils, nuts, sell, separate, pulses, condense, refine, preserve, can, fragrances and grass.
Location Navsari, Gujarat, India
Sai Vasan Shah Foods Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturers, instant foods, squashes, sauces, drinks, frozen foods, spices, rice, processors, soft drinks, agents or otherwise dealers in food products, retailers, juices, jam, traders, producers, aerated drinks, food ingredients, frozen vegetables, agricultural products and fruits.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Shri Tradco Deesan Private Limited is engaged in trading in maize and manufacturing of starch powder and by-products.
Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Hospitality & Wellness Food And Beverages
Shambhu's Food & Beverages Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing restaurant services.
Location Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Chhattisgarh Agro Food Corporation Limited is engaged in the business of manufacture, rice/paddy cereals, food products from processing of wheat flour, supply, trade, process, distribution or otherwise deal in ready to eat supplementary nutrition food, pulses and food grains of all kinds and to carry on the business of food processing including fortification of food to produce specialized energy dense food fortified with micro-nutrients food items.
Location Delhi, Delhi, India
Sunbeam Agro (India) Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, export and marketing of all kinds of agro products, selling, rice, grains, pulses and their by-products, import, drinks, trading, food products, squashes, and foods.
Location Jalna, Maharashtra, India
Ramadhani Agro Products Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of various dal, poultry products, cookies, treat, as well as to carry on the business of processors, sell, prepare, reigning, deal in and carry on the manufacturing and trading in foods and beverages like jams, diet products, oil and oil cake, oil and oilseeds as well as to carry on the business in India, condiments, jellies, marmalades, chewing gums, buy, bottling, tea, doughnuts, wafers, milk shakes, flavors, producers of all types of food products, agro products and similar products, water ice products, preserving, corn husk and corn tukdi and of other food products as well as trading of agricultural goods and commodity, toffee, cereal products, prepare, candies, packing, health foods, export, farm products, coffee, wheat cakes, lemon drops, manipulate, protein foods, of manufacturers, import, pancakes, chocolates, market, carbon dioxide for beverages.
Location Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Aqualife Beverages Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacture of mineral water, packaged drinking water, synthetic flavored concentrates and syrups, and many more.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Vicky Agro Food Products & Supplies Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing, beverages, dairy products, cereals, persons or various agencies and to store them in warehouse, exporting and dealing in all kinds of agro-food products, buying, cold storage and blast freezer, packing, supply the items to ships, establishments, storing, meat, fruits, packaged drinking water and to distribute, milk, selling, seafood, confectioneries, distributing, supplying, poultry products, tinned products, groceries and provisions including vegetables, importing, fish, aerated drinks, and others.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Deja Vu Milk And Dairy Products Private Limited is engaged in the business as a manufacturer, whole powder milk, seller, yoghurt, butter, malted milk, condensed milk, producer, cheese and other dairy products, re-packer, refiner, supplier, canner, importer, merchant, procurer, and also other different types of milk like UHT, concentrated milk, distributor of all kinds and types of dairy products and in particular pasteurized milk and various types of milk products like cottage cheese (paneer), processor, stockist, buyer, skimmed milk powder, exporter, bottler, packer, preserved milk, dahi, or as principals or agents, preservationist, instant milk and any by-products or co-products thereof and to procure very high quality milk from farmers to produce excellent quality valued added products.
Location Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Shree Balaji Bakeries Private Limited is engaged in trading of bakery items.
Location New Delhi, Delhi, India
Food And Beverages Hospitality & Wellness
Tyagi Foods Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing of coca, chocolate and sugar confectionery products.
Location Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India
Freshbrews Private Limited is engaged in the business of agriculture activities.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Butter Food Works Private Limited was earlier known as Shimla Beverages Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of filmmaking activities.
Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Food And Beverages Other Industry
Vivanne Specialities Private Limited is engaged in the business of producing, buying, processing, home and personal care items, selling, reselling or otherwise trading in food, beverages, and industrial products.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Tastytango Foods Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, including cheese, condensed milk, prepare, research laboratories, bottle, food processing plants, ice creams, refine, ghee, butter, baby foods, process, sell and deal whether as wholesaler or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents or as keepers or dealers in all kinds of milk products, milk processing plants, instant foods and any by-products or co-products thereof and to carry on the business and setting up of dairy farms, buy, preserve, cold storage plants, packing units, bottling plants and to manufacture and deal in all kinds and varieties of foods for human or animal consumption.