Other Food Products | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 19514
Location Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh, India
Trading Food And Beverages Packaging
Shree Shyam Food And Packing Private Limited is engaged in providing packing services of goods.
Location Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Karachi Bakery International Private Limited is engaged in the business of process, extract, produce, biscuits, health foods, health and diet foods/drinks, agro foods, extruded foods, fruits, toffees, preserve, jams, export, confectionery items, food products, packed foods, cakes, nutrient, sweets, chewing gum, freeze, bubble gum, extruded foods, frozen foods, fast foods, pastries, pack, pickles, refine, sausages, vegetables, milk foods, sell, canned foods, trade and deal in processed foods, squashes, tinned fruits, mix, condoles, preserved foods, jelly, lemon drops, protein foods, tea and coffee, wafers, precooked foods, bakery products and confectionery items such as breads, sweets, import, manufacture, health and diet drinks, buy, cookies, dehydrated foods, chocolate, cereals products and any other food products in and outside India.
Location Delhi, Delhi, India
Food And Beverages Other Industry
Mia Foods Private Limited is engaged in the business of food processing.
Location Faridabad, Haryana, India
Saurabh Kalra Food Products Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and trading of pickles.
Location Tezpur, Assam, India
Food And Beverages Other Industry
Madhabi Biscuit Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of manufacturing of biscuits, dealer in flour, stockiest, traders, agent, and other wheat products and also carry on the business of maker, or other wheat products.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Dindigul Foods Park Private Limited is engaged in the transmission of signals for internet and telecom-based cable services to end subscribers and corporate customers.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture
Kumlai Tea & Industries Ltd is engaged in the business as traders, agricultural products, biscuits, snacks, bakery products, crushers, chocolates, milk products, and finishers of coffee, cocoa, distributors, refiners, wholesale and retail traders, condiments, and their by-products.
Location Satara, Maharashtra, India
Saffrino Food Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing and sale of snacks and food products.
Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Jala Beverages Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing packaged drinking water.
Location Secunderabad, Telangana, India
Hospitality & Wellness Food And Beverages
Aishanya Coffee Private Limited is engaged in the business of running restaurants.
Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Balaji Spices Pvt Ltd is engaged in trading of chilli powder, haldi powder, pudina powder and many other such spices.
Location Sirsaganj, Uttar Pradesh, India
Warehousing Food And Beverages
Sharda Sheetgrah Private Limited is engaged in the business to erect, canned, meat, vegetables, setup and run cold storage, processed food, tinned, refrigeration and cooling plants or plants and air-conditioned chambers and set up food processing plant and plant for preservation and processing of potatoes fruits, eggs, flowers, grocery and other preservable products.