Other Food Products | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 19514
Location Patna, Bihar, India
Unar Concepts Private Limited is engaged in the business manufacture, vegetables, jellies, preserves, preserve, foodstuffs, deep frozen cooked and semi cooked varieties of food, meats, food, health and instant foods of all kinds including baby and deistic foods, cordials, cereals, synthetic or chemical edible food color and to transact and carry on business as manufacturers, process, jams, beverages, deep frozen vegetables, deep frozen foods including sea foods, importers and exporters of all sorts of fruits, egg, canned fruits, restoratives and aerated mineral waters and food stuffs and consumable provisions of very description for human or animal consumption and to carry on business in all natural, prepare, canned and tinned and processed foods, sell and deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents in foods, buy, artificial, chocolates, poultry, candies, tonics, and many more.
Location Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
Deen Dayal Foods Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing of milk and milk-based products.
Location Paschim Vihar, Delhi, India
Smv Red Rockers Foods And Beverages Private Limited is engaged in the business of products of confectionery, departmental stores, protein foods, pack, produce, food products, freeze, fast foods, hotels, agro foods, trade and deal in processed foods, mix, preserve, manufacture, export, sell, packed foods, extract, buy, other food and eatables, sea foods, health foods, poultry products, IT products and of process, import, mineral water, soft and alcoholic beverages, kirana, milk foods, run bar and restaurants, refine, dairy bakery, juices, health and many more.
Location Pune, Maharashtra, India
Rio Innobev Private Limited is engaged in the business in India or abroad of manufacturing, processing, preserving, milk and milk products, drying, broking, marketing and dealing in all food products including processed foods and vegetables, grading, job working, importing, juice drinks, retailing, selling, distributing, buying, repacking, freezing, bottling, whole selling, fruit juices, health and instant foods, cordials, canning, packing, coffee drink, snacks, beverages (dairy or non dairy), bottled, energy drinks, extracts, consulting, extruded food stuff, pulps, tea drink, cereal and grains related products, tinned and packaged foods, supplying, refining, functional drinks, exchanging, exporting, restorative and aerated drinks, tonics, soft drinks, fusion drinks, semi finished and finished food products, and all other allied products and by-products and consumable provisions for human and animal consumption.
Location Katni, Madhya Pradesh, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages Trading
Visa Agro Foods Private Limited was earlier known as Vijay & Sanjay Agro Foods Private Limited, The company is engaged in trading pulses and other agro-food.
Location Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh, India
Trading Food And Beverages Agriculture
Prathvi Foods(India) Private Limited is engaged in cleaning, manufacturing and warehousing of agro-products.