Sanitation | Business Directory | The Company Check
Find companies in your Sanitation on The Company Check directory. Page 1951-2000 has it all.
Total Company: 1970
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Recycling & Waste Management Water Treatment
Epepl Ayodhya Stp Private Limited is engaged in the business of real estate appraisal services on a fee or contract basis.
Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Allahabad Waste Processing Company Limited was earlier known as Allahabad Waste Processing Company Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of collection, procure, renovate, operate, segregation and transportation and processing of municipal solid wastes and land-filling of remnants on design, maintain and transfer or on commercial basis for municipal corporation/local authority/government agency/semi-government agency.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Steps W2v Private Limited was earlier known as Ranchod Developers Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business in India or abroad setting up the system and business for comprehensive waste management which include to collecting, recycling, treating, agricultural wastewater treatment, recycle certain materials from waste matter, reusing and restoring, transporting, processing and disposing waste material is known as waste management, reducing, disposal of liquid animal waste, pesticide residues from agriculture, disposed waste, and industrial wastewater treatment.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Musical Instruments Recycling & Waste Management Rubber
Krubber Private Limited was earlier known as Silicone International Private Limited, The company is engaged in the business of manufacturing industrial rubber products.