Wealth Management | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 436
Location Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Service Professional Services Financial Services
Smollan India Technology Private Limited was earlier known as Touchsides India Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of managing reward programs for building the brand image of corporates, consumer behaviour patterns and such other statistics to corporates, firms or any other entities by promoting their goods or services through various media of communication including online and offline marketing by facilitating shopping through the issue of coupons, also renders service such as data mining, data analytics and research and development by providing consumer statistics, gifts, credit vouchers, firms or any other entities.
Location Pune, Maharashtra, India
Khaire Kenjale Investments Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business to acquire, take-up, trade in/or hold shares, obligations, stocks, bonds, debentures, and securities.
Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Devangi Wealth Management Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing wealth care services.