Andhra Pradesh | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Andhra Pradesh? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 9601-9650 has it all.
Total Company: 29868
Sri Sailatha Foods Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, syrups, derivatives including food and vegetables, distribute, powders, pack, pastes, liquids, grind, process, import, crush, their by-products, supply and to act as agent, packed foods, produce, health and diet drinks, representative or otherwise to deal in all types of consumer food items, export, bread, segregate, drinks, pre-cooked foods, and biscuits.
Location Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Metal & Minerals Electrnoics Home Appliances
Udbhav Metal Systems Manufacturing Private Limited is engaged in the business of other fabricated metal product manufacturing.
Location Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
E-Commerce Trading Home Appliances
Vanita Ecommerce Private Limited is engaged in the business of buying, promoting, reselling, trading, developing, importing, marketing or supplying, exporting, to run online promotion campaigns, dealing in any manner whatsoever in all type of goods on retail as well as on wholesale basis in India or elsewhere through e-commerce, storing, selling, transporting, loyalty programs and e-payments (electronic payments).
Location Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Construction Industrial Manufacturing Mining
Super Cranes Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing machines used in construction such as mortar spreaders and road building equipment.
Location Renigunta, Andhra Pradesh, India
Adi Life Sciencesindia Private Limited is engaged in the business as dealers, mixtures, contractors, powders, tablets, manufacturers, bulk drugs and pharmaceuticals of every description and application with liquids, and distributors of drugs, capsules, and fluids of every description.
Location Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Geetha Cotton Mills Private Limited was earlier known as Gita Tobbacco Company Private Limited, it is engaged in the business in trading of cotton.
Location Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Kakinada Institute Of Oncology Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading cloth, cement, and edible oil.