Andhra Pradesh | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Andhra Pradesh? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 14151-14200 has it all.
Total Company: 29868
Location Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Information Technology Software
Neumile Iot Private Limited is engaged in the business of software designing, purchase, maintenance, developing and dealing in computer software and solutions, implementation, development, customization, distribute, host (in data centers or over the web) or otherwise deal in own and third party computer software packages, designing, and to import, sell, testing and benchmarking, export, programs and solutions.
Recycling & Waste Management Chemicals
Neotech Organics Private Limited is engaged in the business to produce, use or otherwise, or as agents, alkalis and acids, import, compounds, gases, distribute, and generally to deal in and dispose of, export, either as principals, compounds, derivatives, chemical products of every nature and description, acquire, manufacture, intermediates, and by-products thereof.
Location Tenali, Andhra Pradesh, India
Prashanthi Niketan Property Holdings Private Limited is engaged in the business of land developers.
Location Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India
Food And Beverages Animal Husbandry
Arogya Millets Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of processing of grain millet products.
Location Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Cheyutha Chilli Producer Company Limited is engaged in agricultural production activity.
Location Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Information Technology Professional Services
Infoshare Soft Solutions Private Limited is engaged in providing IT HR consulting services.
Location Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Andhra Pradesh Drinking Water Supply Corporation Limited is engaged in the business to provide safe drinking water in all rural and urban areas in the state of Andhra Pradesh by taking up drinking water supply projects to cater to the needs of rural and urban people as per norms fixed by government with all related infrastructure like laying of pipelines, buildings, godowns, WTPs (Water Treatment Plants), electrical sub stations, approach roads, electrical lines, erection of pumping sets with electrical motors and all other matters/activities incidental thereto and to maintain such projects by raising of required funds.