Assam | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Assam? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 2051-2100 has it all.
Total Company: 13043
Location Guwahati, Assam, India
Manufacturing Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Rara Brothers Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of manufacturing and supplying of gold jewelry.
Location Guwahati, Assam, India
Rusema Ventures Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing computer hardware and software.
Location Karbi Anglong, Assam, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages
Namburnadi Tea Company Limited is engaged in the business of processing tea.
Location Guwahati, Assam, India
Trading Transportation Warehousing Food And Beverages
Paradise Bonded Warehouse Private Limited is engaged in the business of liquor, IMFL and beer.
Location Assam, Assam, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture
Jodhpur Tea And Industries Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business as tea planters, tea merchants and to engage in growing, tea estate owners, processing, manufacturing and marketing of tea whether for internal or export markets.
Location Sibsagar, Assam, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture
Bhuyankhat Estates Pvt Ltd is engaged in wholesale trading of tea.
Location Assam, Assam, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages
Primax Tea Private Limited was earlier known as Seagulls Tea Company Pvt Limited, it was formed to operate the business of cultivating, tea saplings, citronella grass and other produce of soil and to prepare, manufacture and render marketable any such produce and to sell, coffee trees, planting tea trees, dispose of and deal in such produce either in its prepared, growing, manufactured or raw state.
Location Guwahati, Assam, India
Ssmk Steels Private Limited is engaged in the business of executing civil contract jobs.
Location Assam, Assam, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture
Bhauranbari Tea Co Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of dealing in tea.
Location Guwahati, Assam, India
Suntech Systems Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing of structural metal products.
Location Assam, Assam, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture
Singhi Industries Private Limited was earlier known as Singhi Associates Private Limited, The company is engaged in trading of green leaves and made tea.