Goa | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Goa? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1301-1350 has it all.
Total Company: 6760
Location Goa, Goa, India
Gradient Chemicals Company Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing and trading of industrial chemicals.
Location Panaji, Goa, India
Business Services Other Industry Trading
Jitakrodh Tradelink Limited is engaged in the business of general order suppliers, brokers and commission agents.
Hospitality & Wellness Tourism And Accommodation
Stubbs Inn Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of ayurvedic medicine.
Location Margao, Goa, India
Business Services Hospitality & Wellness
Motivatial Counseling (Opc) Private Limited is engaged in the business of establishing, yoga, organizing, and inspiration and to act consultants and advisers for mediation, anger control, promoting, managing and maintaining centers for motivation, emotions illness.
Location Goa, Goa, India
Saint Michael Estates Private Limited is engaged in the business to purchase, licenses, cottages, shops, stock-in-trade, plant, privileges, depots, mineral rights, take in, exchange or on lease hire or otherwise acquire, warehouse, and develop any type of land or plot whether residential, concessions, industrial and whether for investment of sale or working the same any real or personal estate including lands, sell, mills, develop, buildings, machinery, commercial, mines factory, houses, easement or interest in or with respect to any property whatsoever the purpose of the company in consideration for a gross sum or rent or partly in one way and partly in other or for any other consideration.
Location Verna, Goa, India
Food And Beverages Hospitality & Wellness Business Services
Ave Miriam Enterprises Private Limited is engaged in the business of poultry farmers and producers of poultry, meat and all kinds of foods and feeds whatsoever and to set up farms, sheds, eggs, cow keepers, hatcheries, eggs, processing units for all or any of these purposes and to grow poultry and livestockÕs, of all genres and to carry on business as poultry farmers, farmers and dealers of all kinds of meat, chicken preserved provision of all kinds.
Swan Distilleries Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturer, methylated alcohol, exporter and dealer of alcohol such as rectified spirit, importer, and other type of potable and industrial alcohol.
Location Vasco Da Gama, Goa, India
Vasco Da Gama Distilleries Private Limited is engaged in the business as distillers, bottlers, manufacturers of liquor.
Location Mapusa, Goa, India
Plastics Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
Sri Vasuprada Polyfilms Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and supplying of poly-film bags.
Location Mapusa, Goa, India
Tofumax Foods Private Limited is engaged in the business of processed food.
Location Alto Porvorim, Goa, India
Professional Services Information Technology
Flack Digisol Private Limited is engaged in the business as providers of software, state of the art financial technology solutions and services for the digital enterprise, including but not restricting to, consulting, and outsourcing solutions, BPO and infrastructure services, integrated IT, web and mobile app development services, crafting of intelligent applications, services, hardware, cloud technology, artificial intelligence services, and platforms for hyper-connected users.
Location Panaji, Goa, India
Hede Resources Limited is engaged in the business of mining.
Location Panjim, Goa, India
Kshirija Enterprises Private Limited was earlier known as Kshirija Properties Private Limited, The company is engaged in land selling activities.
Location Goa., Goa, India
Bhandary Industrial Metals Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of smelting, working and manufacturing of all kinds of non ferrous, rods, refining, metals and alloys and to manufacturing sheets, machinery parts and all such work both in ferrous and non ferrous metals and many more.
Location Goa., Goa, India
Oil & Gas Real Estate Financial Services
Goa Oxygen Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing plywood, red black firm, pallets, shuttering plywood, white face plywood, wooden floorboard.