Kerala | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kerala? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 23201-23250 has it all.
Total Company: 61375
Location Idukki, Kerala, India
Mannen Organic Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of providing other services necessary for agriculture production.
Location Changanacherry, Kerala, India
Manna Homes Private Limited is engaged in the business of buying, underwriting, and investing in shares and securities.
Location Ernakulam, Kerala, India
Designer Mansions Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of building, selling, constructing, letting on hire or otherwise disposing of residential houses and flats, buildings, leasing, office accommodations and shopping complexes.
Location Kottayam, Kerala, India
Palazhy Latex Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of manufacturing centrifuged latex and rubber products.
Location Ernakulam, Kerala, India
Business Services Professional Services
Career Infinity Overseas And Immigration (Opc) Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing manpower placement and recruiting, labourers skilled/unskilled, interviewing, labour contractors, commercial, junior-level staff, industrial, training and employing all types of executives, workers, required by various industries and organizations including providing security services, housing and other security services and other services in connection with requirements of persons and manpower supply in India and abroad, middle management staff, selecting, along with education consultancy and other visa assistance services for studying in India and abroad.
Location Cochin, Kerala, India
Cheruvathur Engineering & Construction Private Limited is engaged in the business of engineering work of all descriptions, and to carry on the business of development, roads and other structures in its own contract basis for others, real estate by acting as by acting as builders and property developers for construction of all types of buildings, construction, in India and abroad.
Location Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Construction Education & Learing
Lifetree Academics And Projects Private Limited is engaged in providing project management services for construction projects.
Location Kochi, Kerala, India
Tourism And Accommodation Hospitality & Wellness
Adls Flavors & Resorts Private Limited was earlier known as Adls Flavors Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing accommodation services provided by hotels, holiday homes, inns, resorts, hostel among others.
Location Cochin, Kerala, India
Trading Hospitality & Wellness Food And Beverages
Nambeesan Foods India Private Limited was earlier known as Nambeesan'S Hotels Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of hotels, coffee houses, restaurants, rest houses, guest houses, holiday resorts, recreation rooms and lodging.
Location Idukki, Kerala, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture
Speciality Indian Food Parks Exports Private Limited was earlier known as Speciality Indian Food Parks And Exports Private Limited, The company is engaged in export of spices.
Location Alapuzha, Kerala, India
Professional Services Construction
Charangat Engineering Construction Company Private Limited is engaged in the business of civil engineers, and to carry on the business of builders and civil contractors for both general and government including, surveyors, highways, builders, architects, designers, flat, and bridges.
Location Calicut, Kerala, India
Oakhill Land Developers Private Limited is engaged in the business of development of land and building.