Kerala | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kerala? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 24601-24650 has it all.
Total Company: 61375
Location Kannur, Kerala, India
Broadcasting Professional Services
Koot Education And Communications Limited was earlier known as Koot Cable Communications Limited, The company is engaged in activities of the cable operators.
Location Ernakulam, Kerala, India
Home Appliances Professional Services
Novious Hardwares Overseas Private Limited is engaged in the business to employ experts to investigate and examine in to the conditions, houses, prospects, value charter and circumstances of any persons, association of persons, operate, factories, purchase, and generally of any assets, gardens, deal in and render all possible services in movable and immovable property of all kinds and in particular lands, boats, ship, manage, business, concerns and undertakings, property or rights for the purpose of main business of the company and also intends to keep in safe custody, ropes or otherwise motors and other vehicles of every description.
Location Malappuram, Kerala, India
Anappadikkal Projects Private Limited is engaged in business to promote, buy, develop, sell and lease residential/commercial apartments and its all other related activities.