Punjab | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Punjab? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 6351-6400 has it all.
Total Company: 24954
Location Kapurthala, Punjab, India
Electrical Food And Beverages Transportation
Alex Overseas Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of railway components.
Location Punjab, Punjab, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture
Prince Tea Private Limited is engaged in the business of blending of tea.
Location Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Construction Material Electrnoics Equipment & Machinery Industrial Manufacturing Agriculture
Ginter Engineering Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling of engineering goods.
Location Punjab, Punjab, India
Vardhman Tissue Limited is engaged in the business of real estate development.
Location Ludhana, Punjab, India
Entertainment Service Broadcasting
Nexgen Telelinks Private Limited is engaged in the business of transmitting and/or broadcasting and/or streaming and/or distributing one or more audio, input signals/feed/content which are received, communication signals, acquired or created to the last mile subscriber/connections through networks, video or data signals, either directly or indirectly including but not limited to fixed lines or a wireless network/through headend in the sky/ground or the conditional access system or direct to the home system or any other modes/system.
Location Zirakpur, Punjab, India
Information Technology Software
Expert Techrogers Private Limited is engaged in the business of information and communication which includes maintenance of websites of other firm/creation of multimedia presentations for other firms.
Location Mohali, Punjab, India
Rabab Music Productions Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing motion picture, videotape and television program distribution services.
Location Jalandhar, Punjab, India
Kay Kay Hire Purchase Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing financial services.
Location Faridkot, Punjab, India
Musical Instruments Metal & Minerals Construction Material
Maha Sagar Cement Company Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and trading cement, lime, and plaster.
Location Punjab, Punjab, India
Trading Steel Industrial Manufacturing Metal & Minerals
Pawan Steel Tubes Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and trading iron and steel.
Location Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Appreal & Fashion Chemicals Textile
Claha Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business of India and elsewhere in any place or places in the world the trade or the business of manufacturers, forwarding agents, importers, exporters, brokers, commission agents, hirers, stockists, and made up of all kinds, indentors, shippers, textile of all kinds, inner wares and dressing materials (accessories), retailers, wholesalers, muccadums, shopkeepers, warehousemen, distributors, in all types of readymade garments, dealers, non wearables, traders, merchants, mercantile agents, makers and tailors of all kinds of industrial/domestic wearing/non-wearing apparels.
Location Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Business Services Financial Services Service
Kaykay Business Services Private Limited was earlier known as L D Finvest Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business as shares and stock brokers, cash certificates, sub-underwriters, units, underwriters, purchase, of mutual funds, certificates, fixed deposits, commercial papers, acquire and hold or otherwise deal in shares, agents and brokers for subscribing to and to sell, debentures, bonds, government securities or other financial instruments or obligations.
Location Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Appreal & Fashion Chemicals Textile
Gooffy Knits Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing readymade garments.
Location Patiala, Punjab, India
Location Punjab, Punjab, India
Electrical Trading Electrnoics
Band Box Electronics Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business of trading of electronic products.