West Bengal | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in West Bengal? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 10401-10450 has it all.
Total Company: 154405
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Transportation Business Services Logistics
Arsv Logistics Private Limited is engaged in the business to establish, contract, rockers, dumpers, vessels, operate and to do business as fleet carriers, boats, run, diesel, or things on all routes and lines on national and international level subject to law in force through all sorts of carriers like trucks, trailers, handle, develop, organize, conduct, hovercrafts, motor buses, motor taxies, lorries, charter, and space, air, for transporting goods, barges and so on whether propelled by petrol, articles, water, tankers, railways, ships, trawlers, jeeps, steam oil, own, space shuttles, aircraft, manage, coaches, haulers, omnibuses, in all its branches on land, tractors, electricity, tramways, transporters, atomic power or any other form of power.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Chemicals Food And Beverages Textile
Shreeshyam Oleo Chemicals Private Limited is engaged in the trading of organic chemicals.
Location Howrah, West Bengal, India
Trading Plastics Textile Construction
Bhawani Plast-O- Pack Private Limited was earlier known as Satyanarayan Buildcon Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of dealers in all kind of plastics material industry polystyrene, hydrogen, agricultural chemicals, poly vinyl chloride, polyethylene, acrylics and polyesters and composition silicon resins and compositions, molding composition including prefabricated sections and shapes and other thermosetting and thermoplastic materials (of synthetic, including ethylene and acetylene, surface active agents, vinyl chloride, marine chemicals, nitrogen, vinyl acetate and co-polymers of one or more of the above and/or other products, drugs and pharmaceutical, hydrocarbon gases, or natural origin) oxygen, chemicals solvents, butanes and allied types reagents, insecticides, nylons, synthetic fibers and fertilizers.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Food And Beverages Trading Business Services
Minpra Infrastructures Industries Limited was earlier known as Minpra Developers Limited, The company is engaged in trading of food products.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Mani Commercial Ltd is engaged in the business to buyers, latex foam, manufacturers, medical, stockiest, sellers, importers, agents, industrial and other preparations; all kinds of plastic materials and products, cotton coated fabrics yarn, exporters and dealers in chemical and chemical products of every nature and description including pharmaceuticals, natural and synthetic rubber, distributors, resin compounds, fiber or any combination thereof.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Trading Professional Services Food And Beverages
Aintzane Trading Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading macaroni, noodles, and similar products.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Fastmove Constructions Private Limited is engaged in the business to acquire by purchase, hotels, shops, flats, factories, buildings, lease, properties and hereditaments of any tenure or description and any estate or interest therein and any right over or connected with such land and buildings and develop or to turn the same to account as may seem expedient and in particular by preparing buildings sites and by constructing decorating, workshops, maintain rooms, markets, and restaurants, exchange, mills, warehouses, hire or otherwise, cold storages, land, houses, among others.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Chawla Tyre Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading tire and tubes.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Financial Services Business Services
Banshidhar Vyapaar Pvt. Ltd. is engaged in the business of trading in shares.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Trading Agriculture Food And Beverages Jewelry & Fashion Accessories
M. D. Ornaments Private Limited was earlier known as Dempo Fiscal Services Pvt. Ltd, it is engaged in the business of trading in gold and silver.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Nityadhara Business Limited is engaged in the business as distributors, traders, contractors, forwarding agents, general brokers, freight contractors, licensing agents, merchants, brokers and otherwise deal in merchandise and articles of all kinds including clearing agents, agents, and to carry any kind of commercial business.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Wriddhi Developer Private Limited is engaged in the business of development, either individually or as joint venture with any other company/firm/individual/consultant or any other entity, construction and maintenance, construction and maintenance of the residential and commercial projects, and any other projects involving the activities of development, whether local or foreign.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Warehousing Food And Beverages Textile
Sne Business India Private Limited is engaged in the business of all types of chemicals, plant extracts and natural products, dye fixatives, intermediates, pharmaceuticals, material handler, organic and inorganic chemicals, importer, distributor, retailer, advertiser, appliances and accessories as manufacturer, dyes and dye intermediates, packager, bulk drugs and bulk formulated chemicals, market researcher, specialty chemicals, detergents, equipment, seller, exporter, processors, clearing and forwarding agent, buyer, consignee agent, marketing agents, transporter - anywhere in India or abroad.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Financial Services Trading Other Industry
Sadulpur Projects Ltd is engaged in the business of real estate activities.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Real Estate Trading Professional Services Construction
Goodluck Infradevelopers Private Limited is engaged in the business of real estate activities.
Location Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Ikka Infra Private Limited is engaged in the business of development, construction, and maintenance of the residential and commercial projects and any other projects, or as a joint venture with any other company, either individually, firm, and any other entity.