Bellary | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Bellary? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 451-500 has it all.
Total Company: 504
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Metal & Minerals Recycling & Waste Management
Trade Minerals (India) Private Limited is engaged in trading of agricultural product.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Mullangie Spintex Private Limited is engaged in the business of spinning (open-end and conventional ring), processing, dyeing, woven and processed from cotton, bleaching, and textile industry, bundling, capable of being spun, weaving, packing, doubling, yarn manufacturing, printing, silk, blending, wool, and many more.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Hothur Industries Limited is engaged in the business to set up plants for manufacture iron and steel products through rotary/vertical kiln(s), LD converters, blast furnaces, similar such modern equipment, basic oxygen furnaces, cupolas, and continuous casting and rolling mills, and others.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
V.B. Oil Mills Private Limited is engaged in processing and trading of edible oils and de-oiled cakes.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Subhadra Autolines Private Limited is engaged in the business of automobile trading activities, sale, disposal, to provide advice in purchase, transfer, mortgage of automobile spare parts and all other kinds of trading activities in the automobile industry.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Vijaya Hanuman Cold Storages Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing cold storage services.