Bellary | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Bellary? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 101-150 has it all.
Total Company: 504
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Information Technology Software
Glowarm Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of weaving textiles.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Recycling & Waste Management Plastics
Apoorva Pipes Private Limited is engaged in the business as processors, contractors, representatives, engineering designers, extractors, PVC lay flat and tubing, agents, PVC profiles, suppliers, consultants for any or all of plastics such as rigid PVC pipes and fittings, dealers, PVC and its compounds.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Ravindrababu Spinning And Textiles Private Limited is engaged in the business of cotton ginning and processing.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Sri Vinayaka Dal & Flour Mills Private Limited was earlier known as Sri Vinayaka Dal Mill Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business to establish, sell and deal in all types and kinds of food grains, export, hulling mills, take on lease and run dal mills, agricultural produce, own, and oil mills and refineries and to carry on the business of trading, buy, import, agro foods, manage, grain mills, seeds, flour mills, build, install, rice and pulses, and products.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Aryaa Krishna Automotives Private Limited is engaged in the business of dealers in automobiles, chassis-bodies and other components, diesel, animal, and vehicles suitable for propulsion on land, amphibious vehicles, steam, vans, or other power and of internal combustion and other engines, gas, electrical, lorries, spirit, whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, scooters, sea, buses, motorcycles, carriages, cycle-cars, or in the air or in any combination thereof and vehicles of all descriptions, parts and accessories.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Sri Subramanya Sponge Iron Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing of sponge iron.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Trading Agriculture Food And Beverages Warehousing
Vijayakrishna Spice Farms Private Limited was earlier known as Vijayakrishna Spice And Seed Farms Private Limited, The company is engaged in wholesale trading of dry chilli and seeds.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Bhupal Exports Private Limited is engaged in the business to manufacture, supply or otherwise deal agro products and related articles which can be exported or traded.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Hospitality & Wellness Tourism And Accommodation
Rock Regency Hotels Private Limited is engaged in the business of proprietors, lessons, lessees, managers, caterers, owners, milk and snacks bar, keepers, cafeteria counter and luxury motels.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Biop Steels & Power Private Limited is engaged in manufacturing of sponge iron and generation of thermal power.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Transportation Warehousing Construction
Sree Prabhanjana Sai Cold Storage Private Limited is engaged in the business to construct, refrigerators, godowns, own and maintain and to carry on business as keepers of pre-cooling, freezing houses and room colors for storing of protein foods, build, equip, vegetables, warehouses, fruits, iceÕs, plants, storage chambers, roots, flowers, cold storage's, and other agricultural products.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Trading Other Industry Automobile
Bhagyodaya Trokhos Private Limited is engaged in the business to undertake servicing large commercial vehicles sales & intermediate & large automobiles service for earth moving equipment, dredgers and to do the business of transport contractors, general carriers and conveyors in any mines or in mining areas and turn the same into the account.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Virgo Motor Agencies Private Limited is engaged in the business of purchase and sale of two-wheeler vehicles and spare parts.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Jaganmay Associates India Private Limited is engaged in the business of construction of industrial plants and buildings.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Bellary Automotive Private Limited is engaged in operating as business dealers of Renault India cars, spares and authorized service center.
Location Bellary, Karnataka, India
Vijayanagar Minerals Private Limited is engaged in the business of exploration of iron ore from the mines.