Porbandar | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Porbandar? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 101-150 has it all.
Total Company: 232
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Industrial Manufacturing Tobacco Food And Beverages
Unimac Precision Engg. Company Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business to manufacture, sell and otherwise deal in special equipment and parts for modern automobile and textile machinery, high drafting systems and various other machinery and their accessories, warp motions, jockey pulleys, buy, top rollers, mill gin stores, assemble, such as ball and roller bearings, inserts, spare parts required for the manufacture of automobile and textile machinery.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Gatral Furniture Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing cold storage services and renting immovable property.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Milecon Engineering Private Limited is engaged in construction services.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Vishwakarma Marine Works Llp is engaged in the business of India or abroad the business of design, convert, exchange, assemble, barges, promote, and all other floating platforms, equip, overhaul construction, manufacture, distribute, lay-down establish, fabricate, fabrication/manufacture of parts, build, prepare, overhaul activities on hull engineering and electrical parts of marine platforms like boats, control, construct, ships including tankers, develop, release, produce, excursion boats, erect, commercialize, alter, dismantle, install organize, components including remodeling, break, tugs, fit-up, display, handle, cruise ships, redesigning on offshore platforms and shore facilities like factories.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Shrine Energy Private Limited is engaged in the business of power generation and related services.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Jay Projects Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing information and communication services.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Aquaculture Equipment & Machinery Food And Beverages
Mansha Marine Private Limited is engaged in wholesale trading of fish.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Parth Infrastructure Private Limited is engaged in the business of civil construction work and transportation of coal.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Business Services Equipment & Machinery
Siddhi Merchandise Services Private Limited is engaged in the business of buyers, transporters, plants machines, contractors, importers, sellers, exporters, agents, shippers, merchants, tools, warehousemen, materials and many more.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Apex Chemicals Pvt Ltd is engaged in the business to manufacture chemicals like activities bleaching, calcium super-phosphate, copper sulfate, zink sulfate, copper oxide, light basic magnesia, aluminum, zinc chloride, and general chemicals of all sorts.