Porbandar | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Porbandar? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 151-200 has it all.
Total Company: 232
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Shrine Engineering Private Limited is engaged in demolition, site preparation, electrical, plumbing and other specialized construction activities.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Service Business Services Engineering
Marine Emergency Response Centre Private Limited is engaged in the business of marine emergency response services like vessel protection, RO-RO, offer shipping and offshore clients comprehensive solutions to protect their people, cybersecurity, FPSOs and MODUs, bulk carriers, oil/chemical tankers, offshore vessels, including general cargo, asset repositioning, port security, assets and reputation against local, offshore security, container, natural and strategic risks and all other allied activities.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Kan Victual Private Limited is engaged in processing frozen seafood and surimi fish.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Vishwakarma Marine Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing ship engineering solution.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Transportation Industrial Manufacturing Service
Vishwakarma Salvage Private Limited is engaged in the business of repair and maintenance services related to marine ship.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Advaita Finance Solution Private Limited is engaged in the business of a non-banking financial company.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Porbandar Ginning And Pressing Factory Limited is engaged in the business of cotton ginning and pressing at Porbandar or elsewhere in the.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Trading Equipment & Machinery Industrial Manufacturing
Radiant Bearings Pvt Ltd is engaged in real estate activities.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Creative Era Multitask Private Limited is engaged in the business of an advertising agency.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Hospitality & Wellness Fertilizers
Raaj Enventure Private Limited is engaged in the business of hotels, restrooms, holiday camps, cafes, recreation and entertainment centers in the field of tourism industry caterers of public amusement generally and all business incidental thereto, amusement park, co-owners, canteen food, resorts, restaurant, banquet hall, operators, swimming pool, guest houses, franchisees, whether as owners, joint ventures, franchisors and/or any other business model.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Mining Trading Oil & Gas Metal & Minerals
Perfect Coke Private Limited is engaged in the business to produce, bauxite, ingredients including iron ore, dig, or otherwise to deal in all types of coke(s), its products, quarry owner, distribute, job worker, broker, sell and to act as agent, coal, commercialize, mica for trade, discover, transporter, dolomites, grade, supply, collaborator, lime, import, buy, residues, copper ore, consultant, components, mixture, derive, loader, develop, export, mine owner, commerce or industry.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Aquaculture Transportation Warehousing Food And Beverages
Amarsagar Seafoods Private Limited was earlier known as Amar Sagar Sea Foods Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business to establish and carry on business and to act as processors, importers, exporters, contractors, frozen, selling agents, dairy and poultry products whether raw preserved, their products, by products, marine, commission agents, pharmaceutical, buying agents, carriers in all kinds of agricultural, and derivatives whether edible, canned converted or otherwise, dehydrated, traders, merchants, meat, industrial or of any other kind of nature whatsoever.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Vm Stratmont Lamcoke Manufacturers Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading and maintenance of printers, peripherals, computers, and photocopiers.
Location Porbandar, Gujarat, India
Aquaculture Transportation Warehousing Food And Beverages
Amrut Cold Storage Private Limited is engaged in the business of processing, warehousing and exporting of frozen marine products.