Other Financial Intermediation | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 38731
Location Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Olympiaa Financiers Karur Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing financial services.
Location Akola, Maharashtra, India
Business Services Financial Services
Comco Trading And Investments Company Private Limited is engaged in the business of security and commodity contracts brokerage.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Sridharan Chit Funds Private Limited is engaged in the business of chit fund business.
Location Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Katariya Capital Private Limited is engaged in the business of advisors and consultants in finance and investment activities and dealing in loan and real estate.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Lima Investment And Trading Company Private Limited is engaged in the business of any investment company and to buy, debentures, hold shares, bonds, invest in, stocks, acquire, and securities of any kind whether in India or elsewhere.
Location Perambur, Tamil Nadu, India
Subakaran Finance Limited is engaged in the business of a loan company, to underwrite, tractors and other farm equipment, industry or corporates, hire purchase company and lease finance company and to undertake and or arrange or syndicate all types of business relating to financing of consumers, office equipment, construction equipment, plants, housing equipment, and to arrange or provide facilities for the purposes of infrastructure development work or for providing infrastructure facilities or engaging in infrastructure activities and to raise and provide venture capital and promote or finance the promotion of joint stock companies, their spares and components, infrastructure work or activity, ships, to invest in, to institutions, machinery, to manage the issue of, renewable energy equipment/infrastructure, firms, for all kinds of vehicles, individuals, real estate, aircraft, and to trade in their shares or other securities.
Location Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Icdl Business Credit Private Limited was earlier known as Icdl Business Cerdit Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing financial consultancy services.