Other Financial Intermediation | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 38731
Location Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India
Amara Gopal Chit Funds Private Limited is engaged in the business to start and conduct conventional chit, kuries, chitty, namely transaction entered into by the company with the number of persons agreeing that every one of the contracting parties shall subscribe a certain amount of money be periodical installments for a certain definite period and that each in his turn as determined by lot or auction or by both shall be entitled to the prize amount payable in cash against sufficient security for regular payments of future subscriptions as may be provided for in the chit of kuries agreement but not to start and conduct prize and/or benefit scheme and money circulating scheme as prohibited under Section 3 of Prize, chit fund, Chits and Money Circulating Scheme (Banning) Act 1978.
Location Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Alokik Finlease Private Limited is engaged in the business of lending or advancing money by way of loan, corporate and to provide gold loan, trusts, whether with or without security to consumers, working capital, firms, industries, silver loan, project finance, societies, or in any other form, individuals, or loan against any other property.
Location Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Corinthian Investments P Ltd is engaged in the business of activities relating to training, education, and the conduct of specialized courses in computer knowledge.