Alipur | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Alipur? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 4
Location Alipur, Delhi, India
Service Business Services Professional Services
Lavanya Ceremonial Private Limited is engaged in providing foods and beverage services.
Location Alipur, Delhi, India
Financial Services Trading Warehousing Service Professional Services
Nbhc Enterprises Private Limited is engaged in the business and services of handling deliveries of commodities, upgrading, developing, acquiring, processing, trading, operating, improving, distribution, hiring, transportation, redeveloping, maintaining, clearing & forwarding, quality testing and certification, building, produce; including but not limited to such services related to procuring, planning, conservation for maintaining the quality of commodities, things, and establishing and running quality and research & development centers and services related to audit & inspection through or otherwise by designing, produce from farm gates level or any other place to consumers at multi locations including the business of collateral management of commodities, storage, constructing, pest management services including fumigation for preservation, things, leasing, franchising and running of all kind of warehouses and storage facilities.