Bandra (West) Mumbai | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 1
Location Bandra (West) Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Public Administration Construction Logistics
Msrdc Sea Link Limited is engaged in the business as to promote, buildings, reclamation's, waterways, wells, sanitary, roads, paths, reservoirs, interchanges, railroads, shipyards, alleys, develop, streets, embankments, township schemes, docks, sewers, bridges sideways, water, control operate, toll booths, commercial premises, dams and water transport terminals and complexes, modify and upgrade Rajiv Gandhi Sea Link and its ancillary facilities including the approach roads, minor and major bridges and also to execute the same acts in respect of express routes, ports, hoardings, irrigation's, multi-modal transport terminals and complexes, design, highways, links, culverts, equip, tunnels, improvements, courts, wayside amenities, canals, finance, maintain, establish, viaducts, improve, pavements, remodel demolish, gas or any other structural work.