Basmat | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Basmat? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 8
Location Basmat, Maharashtra, India
Parshvanath Turmeric Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading agricultural goods and provides support services to agriculture.
Location Basmat, Maharashtra, India
Srigajanan Krushi Farmer Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of production, processing, bottling, goat-keeping, medicinal, horticultural, marketing, farm machinery, manure, handicrafts, beekeeping and trading of all agro-inputs like seeds, vegetables, marketing, pesticides, packing, poultry, fertilizers, storage, spices crops, procurement, and trading of all agricultural, and farm tools.
Location Basmat, Maharashtra, India
Agriculture Business Services Appreal & Fashion
Sahastrarjun Textiles Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, cotton, processing, ginning, bleaching, wool, winding, exporting, importing, twisting, refining, artificial or natural, mixing, rewinding, knitting, dyeing, spinning, trading and otherwise dealing in wholesale or in retail in all kinds and types of yarns including fancy yarns, combing, nylon, polyester, polypropylene blended materials, carding, fiber whether synthetic, silk, doubling, and others.
Location Basmat, Maharashtra, India
Basmath Agro Ventures India Private Limited is engaged in the business of wholesale trading of grains, oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, seeds and animal feed.
Location Basmat, Maharashtra, India
Agriculture Business Services Textile Service
Vasumati Powerloom Development Cluster Association is engaged in the business of cotton trade and also provide common facility & infrastructure and/or assist inactivity for promotion, ginning pressing and oil mills and to strive for the promotion of trade, and uphold of cotton industries, and to provide common facility for cotton processing, development, commerce, industries, and business of cotton.