Basmath | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Basmath? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 9
Location Basmath, Maharashtra, India
Saar Turmeric Cluster Association is engaged in the business of providing and promoting common facilities for processing and trading of turmeric and disseminate knowledge, create awareness and common forum of interaction amongst the professionals and government agencies, establish effective coordination to undertake, do and conduct research in various areas of processing turmeric, promote, and many more.
Location Basmath, Maharashtra, India
Trading Other Industry Electrnoics
Adarsh Green Energy Solutions Private Limited is engaged in the business of wholesale trade of batteries, power equipment.
Location Basmath, Maharashtra, India
Srigajanan Petroleum Private Limited was earlier known as Srigajanan Petrolium Private Limited, it is engaged in the business of purchase and sale petroleum and petroleum products and to act as a dealer in and distributors for petroleum companies, cutting oils and greases and to carry on in India or elsewhere, processing, to run services station for repair and servicing of automobiles and to manufacture or deal in fuel oils, hospitals, space rockets, searching, hedging, vehicles, household, producing, disinfecting, mining, laboratories, aviators, mixing, discovering, or otherwise dealing in fuels required or used in industries, developing, compounding, purifying, transporting manufacturing, refining, storing, agriculture, communications, converting, deriving, quarrying, preparing, supplying, manipulating, distributing, trading, importing, formulating, exporting, compressing, power plants, selling, releasing, marketing, the business of buying, and energy generation among others.
Location Basmath, Maharashtra, India
Construction Business Services
Dattaraj Contractors Private Limited is engaged in the business of execution of government contracts for civil work such as roads, irrigation, canals, bridges, buildings and allied work contract services.
Location Basmath, Maharashtra, India
Trading Business Services Telecommunication
Seva Mobile & Multiservices Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading telecommunication equipment.