Bihari Para | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 4
Location Bihari Para, West Bengal, India
Esyacode Softwares Private Limited is engaged in the business of consultancy in the field of information technology and software development in all its forms and perspectives and to undertake all such activities as are connected, buy and sale software inside and outside of India or associated with software development, operation, data communication, linked, IT recruitment and marketing and other related services.
Location Bihari Para, West Bengal, India
Dronaz Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Private Limited is engaged in the business to offer consultancy, natural language processing and to undertake research and development, workshops, literature, modern mathematics, exhibitions, telecommunications, advisory and all related services in all areas of information technology including computer hardware and software, artificial intelligence, promote excellence and leadership in computer science, manufacturing and process control and automation, brochures, and to provide for such research and development including conducting and participating in seminars, data communication, conferences and the like and to obtain technical know-how, technical data.
Location Bihari Para, West Bengal, India
Non-Profit Organizations Other Industry
Dronaz Socialwive Foundation is engaged in the business to promote human rights, training and development, events publications, research and development, and to opening up various institution for the development and promote social welfare activities with special emphasis on promotion of different languages of different culture and promote and to focus on the education and employment of children and womenÕs, also provide the medical, sport event, education, educational, sport rural and tribal development, and other related facilities in the rural and urban area for the benefit of society as a whole.
Location Bihari Para, West Bengal, India
E-Commerce Home Appliances Other Industry
Oyeguru Private Limited is engaged in the business of buying, promoting, storing, and merchandise and to undertake the necessary activities to promote sales of goods, importing, exporting, reselling, trading, and dealing in any manner whatsoever in all types of goods on retail as well as on wholesale basis in India or elsewhere through online and offline and to carry on the business as exhibitors of various goods, services, transporting, marketing or supplying, selling, services and merchandise/dealt with/provided by the company.