Bordi | Business Directory | The Company Check

Looking for local businesses in Bordi? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.

  • Gholwad Bordi Chikoo Foundation

    Location Bordi, Maharashtra, India

    Non-Profit Organizations Agriculture

    Gholwad Bordi Chikoo Foundation is engaged in the business as to provide, facilitate, develop the standard of living of the areas of Talasari, maintain, juices and their concentrates, making of pickles, Bordi, Maharashtra by way of promoting the cultivation of various local fruits (mainly chikoos) and vegetables and providing guidance and assistance for processing of fruit products and vegetable products including sun-drying of fruit and vegetables, artificial dehydration of fruit and vegetables, squashes and powder, making of fruit or vegetable, assist, Gholwad, aid, chutney and water harvesting and purifying activities for needy people of living area.

  • Hirkani Farmers Producer Company Limited

    Location Bordi, Maharashtra, India


    Hirkani Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of manufacture, re-packing, freezing, grading, pulps, handling all kinds of agriculture, pooling, foods, packing, procurement, fruits, vegetable, grains, fruits, preservation, refining, syrups, harvesting, processors, and any by-products and or joint thereof the member.