Borgaon | Business Directory | The Company Check

Looking for local businesses in Borgaon? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.

  • Parshwanath Process Private Limited

    Location Borgaon, Karnataka, India

    Appreal & Fashion Business Services

    Parshwanath Process Private Limited is engaged in the business of woven fabric process, pre-loom, associates, processing of all kinds of fabrics, and dealers in all kinds of textile, processors, textiles as may be prepared from cotton no cotton and to act as manufacturers, buyers, yam, sellers, importers, readymade garments, and others to enable them to carry on the business of cotton non-cotton, hosiery, clothiers prepared or manufactured from cotton, sarees of all varieties and kinds, training facilities for enabling members establishments, to create and establish production manufacturing, marketing, exporters, and other materials and to provide manufacturing, partners, yarns, post loom facilities, spinning printing sizing finishing, cone-dyeing, including Technical Textiles.

  • K. J. Sizers Private Limited

    Location Borgaon, Karnataka, India

    Textile Appreal & Fashion

    K. J. Sizers Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturer, and textiles cloth, sari, handloom park, and marketing of textiles goods, calendaring, importing, raw silk, exporting textiles, buying, provide consultancy services in textiles sector, artificial silk, to run textile park, printing, dhoti, cloth, manmade fabrics, rayon, online basis, selling, calendar, manmade yarn, suiting, dying material, processing, cotton yarn, nylon, synthetics yarn, agent, garment park, dealers, staple yarn, reselling, woolen, wholesaler & retailers, hosiery park, bleaching, gray fabrics, silk cotton, shirting, dealers of all kinds of textiles fabrics, and the business of cloth linen, processors house, articles through the agency basis, to set up textile park and liaison with govt.