Dhayia | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Dhayia? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 1-50 has it all.
Total Company: 3
Location Dhayia, Jharkhand, India
Trading Mining Metal & Minerals
Precious Mineral Techno Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing business process outsourcing services & knowledge process outsourcing services.
Location Dhayia, Jharkhand, India
Service Mining Metal & Minerals
Saranya Projects Private Limited is engaged in the business of corporate, environment, and investment advisers in all their branches, legal and taxation advisers, insurance, commercial, industrial, technical, engineers, and labor advisers, personnel, energy, financial, management, operation research advisers, consulting, and advisers in various management techniques.
Location Dhayia, Jharkhand, India
Trading Mining Metal & Minerals
Vishwakarma Techno Private Limited is engaged in the business as manufacturer, coke and other coal products, salt, nuts and bolts, jute fibers, dealers, alloys, factors, and dealers of coal, raw jute, commission agents, automobile parts, brokers, distributors, bags engineering, machine tools, rope and lining, metals, hemp, bicycles, accessories, iron pipe fittings, jute cloth and all other kinds of jute products, traders, agents, steel and stainless steel and iron products.