Ghazipur | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Ghazipur? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 251-300 has it all.
Total Company: 510
Location Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Agriculture Animal Husbandry Fertilizers
Shivasaram Krishak Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of processing of seeds, wheat.
Location Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Agriculture Animal Husbandry Fertilizers
Jagriti Kisan Dugdh & Anaj Producer Company Limited is engaged in providing fertilizers, seeds, and other services.
Location Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Warehousing Food And Beverages
Poorvan Chal Cold Storage And Ice Industries Private Limited is engaged in providing refrigerated storage services.
Location Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Business Services Online Services
Souqgin Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of online shopping, reselling, joint venture, internet advertising, trading, creating shopping catalogs, transporting, dealing in any manner whatsoever in all types of goods on retail as well as on wholesale basis in India or elsewhere and to carry on all or any of the following business activities relating to the provisions of electronic commerce services to business organizations either directly or through collaboration, importing, selling, stores, storing, exporting, net commerce solutions for business to business and business to consumers, providing secured payment processing, marketing or supplying, developing, promoting, creating virtual malls, shops, online trading in and outside India but does not include banking and money circulating business and to carry on the business of buying, and marketing, or under licenses and/ or trade agreements.