Gomti Nagar | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 37
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Trading Other Industry Food And Beverages
Vrrising Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business of sale of wines.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Premium Infrabuild Private Limited is engaged in the business of construction of non-residential buildings.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Texis Infosoft Solutions Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading computer and packaged software.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Srajan Infradevelopers Private Limited is engaged in the business of construction of buildings.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Akhand Entra Venture Limited was earlier known as K C Akhand Infra Limited, it is engaged in the business of providing real estate services.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Arahesha Consultant Private Limited is engaged in the business of management consultants, act as selling and marketing agents, recruitment of managerial personnel, change processes, marketing, profitability, manpower planning, municipal or local authority, to companies, bodies corporate, central or state, business administrators, productivity, information technology and knowledge management, corporate management, and any other related activity, business support services and advisors and to provide management services in all types of businesses corporate communications, undertaking, society, cost control, brokerage and commission agents, institution or any association of persons or any individual, governments, human resource development, advertisement, whether in India or abroad.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Uniquevision Infraestate Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing rental or leasing services involving own or leased real estate.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Ssvision Infra Housing Private Limited is engaged in the construction of buildings used for production, which includes buildings used for assembly activities of industrial establishments.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
People Infraprojects Private Limited is engaged in the business of purchasing of land and selling the same in plots either with or without constructing the houses on them or to deal with the purchase and sale of old buildings or any other immovable properties with or without any renovation or modifications to them and to carry on the business as planners, builders, real estate developers, manage and carry on all types of businesses and profession related to land dealings, estates, farms, properties, buildings, and deal in, and areas.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Trading Other Industry Food And Beverages
Tensberg Beer Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading beverages.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Real Estate Equipment & Machinery
Htb Infra Private Limited was earlier known as Hitak Infradevelopers Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business of manufacturers, exporters of pumps, air or vacuum pumps, piston, boiler shells, including hand pumps and pumps designed formfitting to internal–combustion, engines, dealers, buyers, compressors, valves and similar appliances of pipes, taps and valves (hydraulic power engines and motors; pumps for liquids whether or not fitted with measuring devices, cocks, wholesalers, tanks, sellers, air or other gas compressors; taps, retailers, importers, vats or the like including pressure reducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Trading Other Industry Food And Beverages
Herbertson Bruchem Private Limited is engaged in the business as to open and run retail shops of liquor/wine, country liquor, marketing and sales promotion of liquor/scotch/beer either bottled in up or outside up, trading and marketing and handling of foreign liquor, beer and scotch.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Trading Other Industry Food And Beverages
Lamours Marine Spirit Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing housekeeping services.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Skyway Infrastructure Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing real estate services.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Professional Services Business Services
Vertical Tech System & Elevator Private Limited is engaged in the business of maintenance and repair services of elevators and escalators.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Business Services Real Estate Professional Services
Aba Infratech Private Limited is engaged in real estate activities with own or leased property.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Synch Soft Technologies Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing services necessary for agricultural production.
Location Gomti Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India
Trustus Infraland Developers Private Limited is engaged in the business of providing rental or leasing services involving own or leased residential property.