Howrah | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Howrah? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 3801-3850 has it all.
Total Company: 6755
Location Howrah, West Bengal, India
Trading Business Services Food And Beverages
Cyber Pack Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading food items.
Location Howrah, West Bengal, India
Ssgs Developers Private Limited is engaged in the business of software development, and software solutions and acts as software consultants in the area of programming, system design and analysis, web designing and media software development in India and abroad and to act as a back office services provider.
Location Howrah, West Bengal, India
Business Services Trading Home Appliances
Bhupati Tradelink Private Limited is engaged in providing consultancy business.
Location Howrah, West Bengal, India
Construction Trading Business Services
Akruti Barter Private Limited is engaged in the business of real estate activities on fee or contract basis.
Location Howrah, West Bengal, India
Sinha Cold Storage And Warehouse Co Pvt Ltd is engaged in cold storage of potato.
Location Howrah, West Bengal, India
Professional Services Business Services
Upmanyu Distributors Private Limited is engaged in the business of Profession technical services.
Location Howrah, West Bengal, India
Trading Business Services Construction
Growth Vintrade Private Limited is engaged in the business to acquire by purchase, lease, buildings, exchange, and properties of any tenure or description and any estate or interest therein and any right over or connected with such land and buildings and to develop the same by construction of buildings roads, hire or otherwise land, and bridges.
Location Howrah, West Bengal, India
Trading Business Services Textile
Cygnus Barter Private Limited is engaged in the business of trading of textiles.
Location Howrah, West Bengal, India
Service Real Estate Construction
Transdeep Marketing Private Limited is engaged in the business real estate and to acquire by purchase, houses, cineplexes, ports and airports, buildings, sewage, bridges, squares, wharfs bridges, groves, colonies, townships, flats, swimming pools, parks and gardens, harbors, residential houses, piers, railway sidings, building, and any state of interest therein and any right over or connected with land and buildings in any manner whatsoever and to act as builders, godowns, developers consultants and contractors of lands, warehouses, shops, flats, docks, farms, highways, orchards, jetties, markets, drains, stores, apartments, halls, gardens, offices, promoters, roads, trolley ways, bungalows, building sites, exchange, canteens, channels, marionettes dwelling houses, dams, lease, auditoriums, shops and hereditaments of any tenure or description including agricultural land, hire or otherwise develop or operate land, tramways.