Kamarajar Dt | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 10
Location Kamarajar Dt, Tamil Nadu, India
Sri Ramalinga Textiles P Ltd is engaged in the business of spinning of yarn out of natural fibers such as cotton, cashmere, wool, weaving and printing and texturing and also carry on the manufacturing of all kinds of products made up of yarn out of nature, jute, hemp, dyeing, and casein; spinning of synthetic yarn, silk, flax, linen yarn and blended yarn; and to carry on the business of manufacturing of handloom and power loom fabrics of all kinds and varieties including the process of bleaching, article and blended fibers.
Location Kamarajar Dt, Tamil Nadu, India
Muthulaxmi Spinning Mills Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, bleaching, synthetic, dyeing, wool, and other suitable materials, waste cotton, selling, jute, yarn, mercerizing, printing, cotton, and others.