Kamrup | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kamrup? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 101-150 has it all.
Total Company: 1427
Location Kamrup, Assam, India
Location Kamrup, Assam, India
Ingerir Foods Llp is engaged in the business to manufacture, preserve, deep-frozen foods including seafood, vegetables, prepare, process, can refine, protein, bottle, egg, canned and tinned and processed foods, meats, buy, deep-frozen vegetables, preserved fruits, poultry, sell and deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents in foods, deep-frozen cooked and semi-cooked varieties of food, health and instant foods of all kinds including baby and deistic foods.
Location Kamrup, Assam, India
Location Kamrup, Assam, India
Location Kamrup, Assam, India
Metal & Minerals Construction Material
Srbk Cement Industries Llp is engaged in the business as manufacturers, cement pipes, and dealers in cement ordinary, silica, white, portland cement, cement sheets, calcium carbide, limestone, refractories, importers, alumina, bricks, exporters, colored, cement lime, pozzolana, stockiest, traders, and other construction and building materials, all kinds of by-products of cement and limestone, blast furnace, precipitated lime and other products based on limestone.
Location Kamrup, Assam, India
Location Kamrup, Assam, India