Kanchipuram | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Kanchipuram? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 2051-2100 has it all.
Total Company: 2492
Location Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
Professional Services Education & Learing
Trunorth Legaltech Private Limited was earlier known as Northface Education Private Limited, it was formed to operate the business to own, colleges, establish, acquire, human resource development, administer, competitive entrance examinations, guidelines for career choices, training programs for personality development, e-publications of journals and acting as event managers for organizing educational events and programs, business management, classroom training, promote and advertise schools, creative teaching, to conduct workshops on technical training, soft, operate, run, coaching classes, training courses, manage, universities, test preparatory, maintain, to serve students for higher education and to conduct online and offline test series, communication and behavior skills, educational institutes, develop, e-coaching, technology and corporate communication in collaboration with educational institutes and industrial agencies and to engage in consultancy services in the aforesaid fields.
Location Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
Business Services Information Technology
Unostreet (Opc) Private Limited is engaged in the business of software, web and mobile application, internet marketing, trading, transporting, online and offline marketing, promoting, developing, portals, dealing in any manner whatsoever in all type of goods, reselling, digital marketing, supplying, materials and commodities on retail as well as on wholesale basis in India or elsewhere through internet or any other channel and all type of e-commerce business in all goods and services, business to customer (B2C), exporting, storing, to engage in buying, merchandise, e-commerce, electronic publishing and to provide IT enabled, importing, marketing, selling, development and design, vide business to business (B2B), vortals, customer to customer (C2C) and providing services in payment gateways, consulting and advisory services.
Location Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
Bossco Steel Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing, nails, importing, processors, angles and to alloy steel, forgers, circles, stainless steel, exporting, sheets, turners, raising, zinc, nickel and any other ferrous and non-ferrous metals of all sizes, plates, drawers, purchasing otherwise dealing with steel (including alloy steel) and iron; and metal founders, prospecting, brass, shafting, operating, selling, hoops, buying, strips, ingots including wire, rods in different shapes and sizes from scraps, bars, trading, any other products from steel, rounds, metal hinges, rollers and re-rollers of steel, copper, screws, billets, lead, specification and description including ingot casting in electric and furnace.