Kapasan | Business Directory | The Company Check
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Total Company: 3
Location Kapasan, Rajasthan, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages Textile Business Services
Sindhuja Agro Industries Private Limited is engaged in the business and consultancy of agriculture, horticulturists, traders, production of plant, properties of orchards and traders, seeds, horticulture, fruits, cultivation of all kinds of food grains, farming, floriculture, canners, flowers, exporters, greenhouse, horticulture and fishing and to carry on the business of growers, medical or of any kind or nature whatsoever and food preparations of every kind and description and to carry on the business of tissue culture laboratories, drip irrigation, rollers, nursery owners, buyers and dealers in products off farming, red house, grinders, importers, whether edible, sellers, oil seeds, manufacturing of agro products and extraction of oils and to carry in India and abroad the business of plantation of all types of trees and plants as a farm forestry and to carry on the business as agriculturists, sericulture, forest owners.
Location Kapasan, Rajasthan, India
Kritika Microminerals Private Limited is engaged in the business of mining and minerals.
Location Kapasan, Rajasthan, India
Hospitality & Wellness Tourism And Accommodation
Matrilaher Resorts Private Limited is engaged in the business to acquire, recreational & sports activities amusement parks, taverns, pubs, resorts, bar, cafe, swimming pool, outlets, bars, beauty parlor and saloon, food courts, rest rooms, own, run and manage and to carry on the business of all kinds of running and managing hotels, beer houses, cafeterias, auditorium, gymnasium, departmental store, mobile food counters, holiday resorts, stores, multiplex cinema halls, dine in facility, restaurants, caterers, micro breweries, restaurants, cafes, eating houses, discotheques, canteens, construct, marriage home, open/ digital theaters stage programmers and all other activities required for running the business of multiplexes, shops, kiosks, guest houses, children games and sports center, club, take away and/or delivery based services, banquet halls, refreshment rooms and lodging or apartments of housekeepers and service apartments.