Karur | Business Directory | The Company Check
Looking for local businesses in Karur? Check out The Company Check directory for the latest listings. Page 351-400 has it all.
Total Company: 515
Location Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Agriculture Food And Beverages
Sri Vka Dairy Private Limited is engaged in the business as dealers in and purchasers of dairy farms garden and product of all kinds and in particular milk, vegetable oils, cheese, sausages, poultry eggs, ghee, vegetable ghee, artificial ghee, fruits, cream, table delicacies; loaves, brawn patted meat, butter, bread manures etc.
Location Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Sai Images Home Textiles Private Limited is engaged in weaving and finishing of cotton textiles.
Location Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Appreal & Fashion Service Textile
Avataar Home Fashion Private Limited is engaged in the business of manufacturing and exporting of textile goods.
Location Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Shri Pranav Chit Funds Private Limited is engaged in the business of promoters of or conductors of chits, Kuries and all other types of savings which are necessary and incidental to the carrying of the chit business and to lend or advance money to chit holders with or without security.
Location Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Vpm Paper And Boards Private Limited is engaged in trading in paper and paper products, stationery products and boards.
Location Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Karur Moringa And Vegetables Farmers Producer Company Limited is engaged in the business of production, branding, selling, handling, canning, distilling, packaging, importing, preserving, sale or supply of machinery, venting, procurement, marketing, exporting, drying, brewing, harvesting, grading, manufacture, pooling, equipment or consumables mainly to its members.
Location Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Energy Utilities Renewable Energy
Apsara Power India Private Limited is engaged in generation of electricity through wind mill.
Location Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Palaniappa Realty Private Limited is engaged in the construction of one-and two dwelling residential buildings.
Location Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Food And Beverages Agriculture
Vfc Agro Foods Products Private Limited is engaged in the business to process, food drinks, export, extract, vegetable, refine, import, buy and sell agro-food products such as fruits, pack, manufacture, freeze, preserve, produce, mix, and other agro-food products in and outside India.